Requisite Reflections

Much like my website, my blog hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves of late. But it wouldn’t be a new year if I didn’t roll in with some Pride-and-Prejudice-fueled reflections on life and love. And who am I to mess with tradition?

I’m not exactly sure how it became my tradition to watch Pride and Prejudice one New Year’s Eve, but I’m pretty sure it had to do with spending it alone and having mixed feelings about that. But I digress. I promised reflections, and reflections I shall deliver.

Often, I’ve walked away from a P&P viewing with one of two feelings (or perhaps a weird tangle of both):
1. Lizzie and Darcy love is the goal and I want it/deserve it/will find it or 2. I’m actually a Charlotte and who am I to have Lizzie aspirations.

I won’t bore you with the sloshing around in those. Been there, done that. This year, I managed to get a little sentimental but walk away with some more useful truths. Given the dumpster fire that much of 2024 turned out to be, they’re giving me life as 2025 launches. Maybe they’ll do the same for you…

  1. Be the Lizzie of you own life. (Yes, this one is technically from The Holiday, but it tracks here because Charlotte is actually quite content with Mr. Collins and Jane is delighted by the affable if goofy Bingly and happiness isn’t one size fits all.)

  2. When you fuck up, try to make it right. (Because as much as I love Lizzie, Darcy’s arc is the true gem of the story.)

  3. Spend more time reading and walking out of doors. (Needs no explanation.)

  4. When someone reveals themselves to be a Wickham, believe them and protect yourself accordingly.

  5. Don’t settle and don’t let anyone scare you with their scarcity mindset. (Offers of marriage or otherwise.)

  6. Dance, even if one’s partner is only barely tolerable. (See also: dance like no one is watching and dancing in the dark.)

2025 will test us, y’all, but we got this. And each other. We’ll fight the good fight but remember to be gentle with ourselves and each other. Love you so big.




Some Thoughts on Love