Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Confession: I’ve never been obsessed with winning. It might be that, as the chubby and awkward girl, I was often picked last for sporty type things. It might be because, even when I made the softball team in high school, we didn’t win a single game all season. Truly, with the exception of Jeopardy and Scrabble, I’m not competitive about much of anything.

Still. It’s fun to win. Yelling bingo at the American Legion when you take your mama out on a Friday night. Knowing the answer to final Jeopardy when your partner doesn’t, especially when she’s kicked your ass all night.

In that spirit, then, I shall give you the fun and fluffy blog post I promised, complete with your very own chance to win. First: a semi-absurd work story. Second: a book giveaway.

First, the work story. As many of you know, I work in higher ed. I’m an assistant dean in a business school. As such, I’m on lots of committees. Shortly after taking on the chair role on one of these committees, I successfully navigated a policy change despite opposition from a particularly obstructionist administrator. I was so impressed with myself, I arrived at our next meeting and opened with my (albeit very bad) rendition of DJ Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win.” While thrilled with the result, my colleagues did not appreciate the pop culture reference. My attempt at being a badass was decidedly not a win.

If you ever need a chuckle, imagine me attempting to sing this to a bunch of white people in their fifties.

You’re welcome.

Now for the winning! The release of Built to Last is less than a week away (at least it is if you’re buying it from the BSB store, which you totally should). I’m giving away two copies–one ebook and one signed paperback. Want to win? Leave a comment here with your favorite win (or most hilarious fail). Enter by noon EST on April 4 (my birthday!) and I’ll pick two winners at random. Feel free to include a link to your own epic winning soundtrack!

Mary Alvizures

Designing soul aligned brands and websites that make you $$$. Intuitive branding + web design for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitives, Life Coaches, Energy Healers, Holistic, Conscious and Wellness Businesses. Are you ready to share your magic with the world?

The Power (and Brilliance) of Observation


Fat Femme