I Am Elizabeth

It seems as though my poor neglected blog has been reduced to little more than my annual New Year’s Eve/Pride and Prejudice introspection. I’d say I’m resolved to do something about that, but I’m resisting the idea that my New Year’s resolutions amount to little more than yet another to-do list that will make me more productive, accomplished, etc. (See Resolution Reboot for more on this.)

So, in the spirit of big, bold dreams, I watched Lizzy and company with a renewed sense of optimism and courage. No more fretting about whether I’m destined to be a Charlotte, and not only because Charlotte actually ends up with what she wants. No, I’m all in on being the Elizabeth of my own life. Not because I think a posh life at Pemberly is secretly waiting for me or even because I deserve a Darcy of my very own. Spoiler: we all do.

I’m Lizzy because I’m the heroine of my own story (and Iris Simpkins is never wrong). I’m Lizzy because I’m going to trust my gut and take chances and admit when I’m wrong. I’m going imagine a life outside the confines of what I’ve always defined as success. I’m going to love hard and feel big and believe that I can manifest the shit out of ideas that have always seemed too big for my britches.

It feels extra fitting to claim my Lizziness in light of my attempts to come back from my FB debacle, where I’m now literally Elizabeth. (BTW, if you’re not following the new Aurora page or friends with Elizabeth, what are you waiting for?) And it feels particularly exciting to bring this energy into growing my coaching practice.

What about you? How are you going to sparkle in this new year? I’d love to hear from you. (And if you know you want to but are feeling stuck, see above re coaching. I’d love to help you figure it out!) Whatever journey you’re on, I send you love and, as always, thanks for being a part of mine.


Mary Alvizures

Designing soul aligned brands and websites that make you $$$. Intuitive branding + web design for Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Intuitives, Life Coaches, Energy Healers, Holistic, Conscious and Wellness Businesses. Are you ready to share your magic with the world?


Release Day Blues


Facebook Broke My Heart: A Cautionary Tale